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Our leading, next-gen cloud SIEM is at the core of InsightIDR. You can analyze the most complex data and find insights faster because of its natively-cloud data lake, 多种日志收集功能, 自定义日志解析, 灵活的搜索和报告. With our SIEM, you can cross these tired activities off your list: endlessly searching logs, 编写复杂的查询, 雇佣经过认证的数据挖掘者. InsightIDR correlates the millions of daily events in your environment directly to the users and assets behind them. It highlights risks across your organization and prioritizes where to search.

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Traditional SIEMs were built to ingest massive amounts of log data and provide security teams with analytics capabilities. Figuring out where the bad guys were and what to do was typically up to you. 从一开始,我们就采取了检测为先的方法 了解代理 that drives reliable endpoint threat detection and spots attacks early. While many 端点检测和响应(EDR) tools became shelfware, we captured critical data and added relevant context to alerts. Security teams have endpoint coverage they can trust and act on faster.

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The Insight platform’s Network Sensor unlocks critical network visibility and detection coverage, 以及来自其他环境的数据. With the lightweight sensor in place, you can quickly recognize suspicious activity on the network. While other network monitoring tools can create a lot of noise, InsightIDR’s curated intrusion detection system (IDS) zeros in on real threats. 为了强有力的取证和调查, you can access additional network metadata to understand the full scope of activity.

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Attackers generate massive volumes of high-quality malware these days. They also compromise assets by moving laterally between them using credentials stolen by traffic manipulation, 社会工程, 散列提取, A——以及其他隐形技术. Specific behaviors foreshadow every breach — and we know them, reliably. InsightIDR continuously baselines normal user activity (beyond defined indicators of compromise). Attackers may be masked as company employees, but it’s no match for UEBA. Correlated user data also offers up rich context for other attacker alerts to help speed your investigations and response.

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以我们领先的云- siem基础为核心, InsightIDR supports a robust library of third-party integrations to supplement its out-of-the-box endpoint, network, 用户覆盖率. 您可能使用的任何IaaS或云应用程序, our natively SaaS infrastructure and flexible log-ingestion collects data quickly, scales easily. insighttidr是为动态的, ever-changing environments to keep you a step ahead of even the slickest attackers. You can spot anomalous activity or threats in the cloud easily. And you can pull in detections from other systems to analyze and investigate them alongside the rest of your data.

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InsightIDR leverages internal and external threat intelligence, 包括你的全部, 外线攻击面. Our detection library includes threat intelligence from Rapid7’s open-source community, 高级攻击面映射, 以及专有的机器学习. Detections are curated and constantly fine-tuned by our expert 威胁情报 and Detections Engineering team. SaaS delivery means you always have access to the latest stuff, instantaneously. And no arduous rule creation or tweaking is required: everything is vetted in the field by our global MDR teams who make sure we have an enviable user experience.

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MITRE ATT&CK Alignment

Rapid7’s vast library of curated detections and attacker behaviors is mapped in detail to the MITRE ATT&CK®框架, an open, globally-accessible knowledge base of real-world adversary tactics and techniques. 我们相信MITRE的开放性和社区协作. 事实上,我们自己也在练习.

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XDR that over-indexes on endpoints or a handful of event sources create pores in the environment. You can miss activity that signals something nefarious in play. 攻击者可以悄悄溜走. InsightIDR’s easy-to-deploy deception suite lets you create more traps and pitfalls: honeypots, honey users, 蜂蜜的凭证, and honey files - all crafted to identify malicious behavior earlier in the attack chain.

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Too many detection and response tools put the work on analysts: here’s a bunch of pieces, they say, 现在去做一幅画. InsightIDR does the work so you understand complex situations at a glance. 它用用户和资产细节自动丰富每条日志行, 并将不同数据源中的事件关联起来. Every alert creates a detailed, intuitive, visual investigation timeline. You get what you need without tool- and tab-hopping in the midst of an attack.

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Everyone knows security teams are short-staffed and overworked. 高效运营是唯一的出路. 自动化有助于减少重复, manual work, while integrations help cut down on the number of tabs you might need open to handle an event. InsightIDR, 提供许多自动化特性, including prebuilt workflows for containing threats on an endpoint, 暂停用户帐户, 以及与票务系统的集成. It’s also easy to kick off any workflow or response playbook with the click of a button: InsightIDR seamlessly integrates with InsightConnect. And with expert response suggestions built into our detections library, 团队总是知道下一步该做什么. insighttidr记住XDR中的R.

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