Last updated at Thu, 30 May 2024 14:30:34 GMT

We are thrilled to announce that two of our exceptional team members, 乔安妮Guariglia 和 凯利Hiscoe, have been recognized as CRN's 2024 Women of the Channel. This recognition celebrates the achievements 和 leadership of women within the channel community, 和 we are incredibly proud to see Joanne 和 Kelly honored for their contributions.

凯利Hiscoe: Driving innovation in partner programs

凯利Hiscoe 和 her team are at the forefront of designing 和 launching partner programs, optimizing our operations to support Rapid7's global channel ecosystem. Their commitment to creating highly effective 和 streamlined partner experiences ensures seamless execution within our channel. Engaging continuously with partners, 凯利团队的驱动简化了, 可伸缩的, 和 predictable experiences that benefit all stakeholders.

Kelly's dedication to improving our operational infrastructure 和 incentive programs is unwavering. 凯利说: "We will never be done focusing on creating improved programs 和 processes. We will continue to be laser focused on enhancing our operational infrastructure 和 incentive programs because we care deeply about the partner experience with Rapid7."

Her leadership 和 vision are integral to our ongoing success 和 the satisfaction of our partners.


乔安妮Guariglia: Building lasting relationships

乔安妮Guariglia has demonstrated exceptional skill in building 和 nurturing lasting relationships with our partners, an area in which Rapid7 are investing heavily -  making strides with the channel community more than ever.

"What I enjoy most is being able to build lasting relationships with our partners. 合作伙伴 want to work with trusted br和s who are leaders in the space, 和 we have that here at Rapid7. Being that trusted voice 和 growing the relationship, while educating them about our offerings, enables me to have a positive impact," 乔安妮说.

Her dedication to partner success 和 her ability to educate 和 inform are key components of her impactful work.



在Rapid7, we are committed to fostering an environment where talented individuals like Joanne 和 Kelly can thrive. Their recognition as CRN's 2024 Women of the Channel underscores our dedication to excellence 和 our focus on building a strong, 支持渠道生态系统. We look forward to their continued contributions 和 to the ongoing success of our partners.

Please join us in celebrating Joanne 和 Kelly for their outst和ing achievements 和 their unwavering commitment to excellence in the channel community.

了解更多关于 Rapid7 global partnerships here.